Nurturing potential
We care about nurturing people and organisations to be the best they can be so they can flourish
Business partnership
Working as a true team with our clients, generous with sharing insights and providing flexible support to deliver results
Talented global consultants
We have a highly skilled, credible, globally located team of associates that care passionately about developing people
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People Untapped is a leading-edge global learning and development partner, purposeful about enabling brilliance and truly committed to nurturing the growth of people, teams and organisations to reach their full potential.

We offer a full spectrum of learning and development services, and through our worldwide network of expert coaches, facilitators and consultants, we have the infrastructure, capability and experience to deliver globally and at scale.

We aim to break the mould of theory-based training programmes. Instead, we provide innovative, interactive development experiences to really deliver learning that sticks – well beyond the interaction or event.

Our point of difference – Sustainable learning.  Delivering behavioural learning that really sticks.

Leadership development

Interventions that develop the capabilities of aspiring leaders.

Matrix Leadership

Matrix leadership

Pioneering leadership development programmes specifically aimed at the matrix leader.

Management Development

Management development

Interventions that build people management capabilities.

Team Development

Team development

Interventions that develop high performance teams.

Professional Skills

Professional skills development

Tailored, blended learning solutions to build skills, capabilities and mind-set.


Founder and Executive Coaching

For leaders and high potential employees.

Career Development

Career and talent development

We care about nurturing people and organisations to be the best they can be so they can flourish.

HR Consulting

HR and organisation consulting

Consulting solutions in all aspects of HR and organisation development – be it strategic or operational challenges